


Affordable Housing DevelopmentAs a certified Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO), North Central WV Community Action Association applies for funding each year to develop affordable housing for rent and/or purchase.  Projects can be located in any of the North Central’s nine

Veteran Services

Supportive Service for Veterans and FamiliesThe Supportive Services for Veteran Families program is designed to improve the housing stability of very low-income Veteran Families, by assisting families transitioning from homelessness to

Case Management

Connecting with Programs/ServicesTo access some of our programs/services, clients or customers can call their local county office during normal business hours to schedule an appointment. You may also request services online.  *Please note, online requests can take 24-48 for a response

Homeless Recovery

Homeless Recovery  Homeless Services and Prevention are provided by North Central WV Community Action’s two homeless services shelters: Scott Place Homeless Shelter in Fairmont, and the Randolph County Homeless Shelter in Elkins. Both facilities


VITA The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program offers free income tax preparation services to low to moderate-income people and assists eligible individuals in securing the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), a