Connecting with Programs/Services

To access some of our programs/services, clients or customers can call their local county office during normal business hours to schedule an appointment.
You may also request services online.  *Please note, online requests can take 24-48 for a response depending on the day/time of the request.
You can do these one of 2 ways…
  1. Click on Contact Us in the top bar in the right side and complete all information.
  2. You may access our services virtually online at http://MYLITT.COM or by using the QR code below
  3. When using the LITT website or QR code when you open up LITT please select WV as the state and when taken to the next page click to start a New Application.
    If you have an application already in progress, then you will sign in as requested on the age.

Case Management Services

NCWVCAA will provide short-term assistance needed to stabilize crisis situations while also offering critical linkages to other mainstream community resources. Case management will provide services to referred clients (customers) who are at or below 125% of the Federal Poverty guidelines.

Meeting immediate emergency needs

Removing barriers to finding and maintaining employment

Accessing program service with NCWVCAA’s menu of programs (Head Start/Early Head Start, Weatherization, LIHEAP, Homebuyer Education, Affordable Housing, etc.)

Accessing additional support services through linkages with collaborators

Accessing direct employment referrals as established by the Community Case Managers

Self Sufficiency

Community Case Managers will provide intensive case management to participants utilizing the resources of local county offices in order to move low income families and individuals, as quickly as possible toward self-sufficiency.

Barbara Simmons
County Services Supervisor
Phone (304) 478-3536
Fax (304) 478-6235
Charlotte Green
Community Case Manager
Phone (304) 265-3200
Fax (304) 265-5037
Nichol Harris
Community Case Manager
Phone (304) 457-3420 (304) 457-1366
Fax (304) 457-1367
Cindy Jividen
Randolph County Homeless Shelter/Case Manager
Phone (304) 636-5193
Fax (304) 637-4718