Dear Resident of North Central West Virginia,
The North Central West Virginia Community Action Agency (NCWVCAA) is conducting a community needs assessment to gather information about local needs and priorities. Please complete our on-line survey about needs in your local community or county.
NCWVCAA and its partner agencies are engaged in this process to assess local community needs within ten different service areas. The results from this survey will assist us in developing a strategic plan for action over the next several years. Your responses to this survey will help us focus our resources on addressing those community needs that are most important to people living in our ten county service area.
The survey may be accessed from any computer or mobile device connected to the Internet. To respond to the survey just click on the following link or paste the link into a web browser:
NCWVCAA Community Needs Survey (Click Here)
Please complete the survey by the end of the day on Wednesday, October 18.
We appreciate you taking time to help us with this important project. Thank You!